Monday, May 3, 2010


Ok...I am a food storage owner. Yes, I know. There are many of us out there. We have it yet we wonder, could we really survive on it? That old line from Crockadile Dundee comes to mind, "you can live on it but tastes like @%*$ !"

Well, that's how my food storage is. I can live on it I want to? So in search of an answer I found a company that I really like and thay have such a good reputation - Shelf Reliance. They have started a new branch which features food storage items and emergency supplies. YEAH!!! It's about time. They offer a party plan which means I can be a I signed up. Even before it really started. It is called 'THRIVE'.

So far so good! I have tasted some of the food - the fruit, the corn, bits and pieces. I LOVE it! Really. I am very excited about it. Now I can add some yummy stuff to my food storage that I WANT to eat! I will actually be excited to to live off my storage!

But Shelf Reliance takes it a step further. They don't want you live off it just in emergencies (which our house had lately, how about yours?), but they want you to cook with it every day - to ROTATE it. To actually use it before it expires instead os throwing it away or assuming it will be good when we need it. OK, I have learned from experience (oh yeah, last week) that white flour does not store for 20 years! Hahaha!

Anyway, I am taking their challenge. I am actually going to use this stuff in my everyday cooking. I will be blogging about the results here and sharing recipes and such. I will tell you if we liked them or not and what worked and didn't work (those of you that know me know my cooking skills may make it a little challenging for me to figure out why it didn't work! :).

So there you go. I am an average (ok, maybe that's a stretch!) cook so I will be honest. I do not have a degree in cooking so I will be figuring it out on my own with some help from Shelf Reliance. I really hate it when a book or company claim they can do something and then you find out the reason it worked so well for them is because they all have gargantuan degrees with P's and D's in them and the average person just can't make it work! So here goes....

Join me! I would love your feedback and ideas as well. I will also show you how to use some of the really cool stuff on their site! So here goes! I am expecting my first order any day now...