This is such a yummy salad it has become a family favorite!
1 1/2 C dry lentils
3 cups vegetable broth
I cook my lentils in my rice cooker because they take about the same amount of time to cook as rice. You can cook them on the stove as well.
While the lentils cook, chop the following:
1/2 cup cucumber peeled and seeded
1/2 cup finely chopped celery
1/2 cup yellow pepper
2 medium tomatoes
1/2 cup onion
1/2 cup feta cheese
Balsamic Dressing
Salt and Pepper to taste
Lettuce leaves as garnish
Allow Lentils to cool. Add chopped veggies. Pour in balsamic dressing and salt and pepper and stir to mix well. Serve on lettuce leaves.
I use bottled Balsamic Dressing cuz I am lazy! But here is a recipe that is scrunptious as well:
3 T balsamic Vinegar
2 T olive oil
2 T lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 t dried thyme leaves
Mix all. Refridgerate until serving time. Mix again before use.
I love to serve it over washed romain lettuce leaves. The added crunch and freshness just makes it lots yummier! (That's a word, right?!)
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