Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Investing in food gives a higher return rate than your bank!

Stock up my pantry? Food as an investment? Really?!!

Here is a link to an interesting article on why we should stock up on food. It is interesting and really something we should be doing.

I just went to the grocery store and spent $150. Not too bad - right? Well, I had to go back the next day for all the stuff I forgot and spent another $100. That's for one week and there are only 2 people in our home. This is the cost of laziness and not planning!

When I cook with my food storage I spend maybe $250 per month with no waste.

Plan now! And earn your food for free by hosting a party! It's really that simple. The only investment is a bit of time and you can get a great start to building your Home Store!

Here are this month's specials. They are great deals and a super opportunity to stock up! Here is the link to my website:

If you email or call me with an order or if you host or attend a Demo, the pricing is even better!